"wend"... v. intr. / to go one's way; proceed.

Journal Entries
Bookworm Reviews
Favourite Things...
The Art of Flo...
The Family of Wend
Vanity Pics

NEW STUFF:  I'm mostly working on my blog now.  Check it out through the link below.

CLICK HERE to visit my Blog...

New Quotes
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.  -Ambrose Redmoon

The only way to multiply happiness is to divide it. -Paul Scherer

If you are losing a tug-of-war with a tiger, give him the rope before he gets to your arm. You can always buy a new rope.  -Max Gunther


Just when we think nothing is working, we find our glimmer of light... our hope.  If we could believe in our hearts that what looks impossible can actually work out, we could bear more easily the hardships.  Living is like the weather, it can surprise us, bring stormy times, sunny days and dry spells.  But if we hold on, it all changes.  The changes often come the way we change our minds - unexpectedly and quickly, sometimes with great force and for no apparent reason.  But the reason... the real purpose is there, waiting for us to find it.  Every word we speak, every act we perform builds our consciousness and becomes a reflection of who we are as individuals.  If we expect nothing good, nothing good will come.  But we are as unlimited as we ever hoped we could be, and it is in our power to make a difference.  Our words, our actions, our thoughts are the real power to making positive changes for ourselves and in turn, for others.

Please get in touch with me! 
You'll find my contact info on the "Guestbook" section of this website.