--> Music (dance, romantic jazz, country, 70s/80s, alternative, classical)
--> Coffee in the morning, Hamburger at O.J.s, Snow Storms
--> Red Wine, Good Food, Restaurants with Character
--> My Mothers House, Tulips, Long Kisses
--> Brie Cheese, Warm Wet Summer Nights, Summer Festivals
--> Candlelight, Artwork, Local Theatre, Receiving a Genuine Compliment
--> Trains - Train Tracks, Steam Engines, Train Stations - you name it!
--> My Mothers Old Jewelry, Sexy Pair of Shoes
--> Confidence, Humour, Silliness, My Bed
--> Abandoned and Deserted Buildings - farm, industrial, residential as long as its abandoned and deserted!
--> History (old history, pretty much anything before the 1900s)
--> The Woods, The Ocean, Rivers... The Quiet, Thunder and Lightning
--> Photographs (especially black and whites)
--> Big Black Pickup with Chrome Accents, Side Bars... totally kicking truck!
--> A Good Cologne, A Man Who Can Be Very Masculine But Very Sensitive When Called For (asking for too much? I've met a couple...
don't give up just yet!)
--> Lauging Until My Stomach Hurts, Walking in the Snow
--> Anything different... variety is the spice of life
--> Sitting in a real jazz cafe, Writing in my Journal
--> Bargain Shopping, Cross-Stitching
--> Holding Hands, Spending Good Time With Someone I Absolutely Adore
--> Watching Movies in the Theatre or on IMAX
--> Traveling, Road Trips, Driving in the Rain
--> Being in Love, Trying New Foods, Meeting New People
--> Dancing, Swimming in a Pond, Reading
--> Listening to soft music (with candles lit while taking a nap on the couch)
--> Long Baths (preferrably with bubbles and jets!)
--> Hiking in the Woods, Camping, Sitting Around a Fire (inside or outside!)
--> Organizing, Decorating, Throwing Things
--> TV Shows: That 70s Show, Will & Grace, CSI, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Biography, and almost anything on the History
--> Flowers: Tulips, Daisies, White Roses (of course!), Violets, Lilies
--> Artist: Contemporary - Florence Baird; Historically - Piero Di Cosimo
Favourite Movies...
Stephen King - 1994
(Gary Sinise, Molly Ringwald, Rob Lowe...)
This is a movie about nature's population control... God's way of stopping the madness we've created for ourselves.
It is a sharp reminder of how technology can one day destroy civilization as we know it today. There is great symbolism
in this movie which evidences the classic struggle between good and evil and clearly shouts the message that good will always
win out... but with every battle, there are consequences and casualties.
It's a great movie, but it was made for mini-series... so be prepared for a long sit on the couch (amost 6 hours long!).
I really like putting this movie in on a stormy day and just letting it run... There's nothing better than knowing you have
no place you need to go and the day is yours to waste!
Favourite Quote:
Nick Andros (Rob Lowe):[Nick
is deaf and mute, but during a meeting of the 'free zone citizens' (and after Mother Abagail indicates what 'God wants of
them') he writes a note to Mother Abagail (their 'true north') saying he doesn't believe in God.]
Mother Abagail (Ruby
Dee) [laughs out loud and says...] Why, Nick... it don't matta!; God believes.... in YOU.
Stephen King - 1994
(Morgan Freeman, Tim Robbins...)
I have a good friend of mine who believes this story is about hope. I whole heartedly agree with him. It's also about freedom,
the greatness of the human spirit, the desire for survival, and the courage to dream. Morgan Freeman ("Red") does an amazing
job in narrating this movie and there are moments when he's brought tears to my eyes. This movie is not, however, all roses...
although the ultimate outcome is what you 'hope' for throughout the movie, there are still major consequences that are borne
by the hero of the movie, some relatively good people that didn't have the same luck as our main character, and some circumstances
that, in reality, would have a lifelong negative effect.
Favourite Quote:
Red (Morgan Freeman):[narrating
after Andy played "Marriage of Figaro" over the speakers for all the inmates to hear]
I have no idea to this
day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I'd
like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can't be expressed in words, and makes your heart ache because
of it. I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful
bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man
in Shawshank felt free.
Foreign - New Zealand - 1994
(Rena Owen, Temuera Morrison...)
If you need a reality check, or you know someone who does? ...this is the movie to watch. Set in the lower class society
of New Zealand, this is a tragic story of what life could be like if you were born into the wrong family. Domestic violence,
incest, alcoholism, sexual addiction and general dysfunction are just some of the themes in this movie. It demonstrates how
love isn't always a good thing. But with all extremes, there is always an opposite. You will also find in this movie great
strength, pride, courage and resilience.
I still remember the first time I watched this movie. I was at my friend, Annette's apartment in Vancouver. I actually got
stomach sick watching the violence of this movie. This is not the blood and guts you get in a horror flick that you know isn't
real... this is the stuff reality is made of and that's what's so upsetting. The violence in this movie is animalistic and
truthfully brutal. Be prepared for a lot of difficult issues and hard lessons with this movie. It's not a Sunday afternoon
family movie, that's for sure. [RATED TRIPLE "R"]
Favourite Quote: [This quote (from Jake Heke, the patriarch
of the family) and it gives you an idea of the lifestyle and attitudes found generally in this family's community]...
Heke (Temuera Morrison): I bought seafood today - bloody everything! Just wanted to put a smile on her face. Think she'd let
me? Not a chance. All I said was that I got laid off. Anybody would've thought I'd told her my pr**k had dropped off!
HAVE YOU NOTICED?? The last 3 movies were produced in 1994?! Weird!
Alice Walker - 1985
(Whoopi Goldberg, Margaret Avery, Danny Glover, Oprah Winfrey, Adolph Caesar...)
This is a movie about the ultimate survival of an African American woman forced to live in a man's world... You think slavery
ended when the black 'man' was freed? Think again, the African American woman went through the worst of it. Whoopi Goldberg
gives a stunning performance in this movie. You watch as she grows into a woman and through the tragedies that follow her
throughout her life, you see her independence finally being achieved. This movie didn't get the recognition it deserved, but
it is full of rich character development, humour, tragedy, drama, and some of life's more important lessons.
There are a lot of hard lessons learned in this movie. Watch it... look for the symbolism (every scene is packed with it)...
read between the lines and try to really 'get it.' The message is clear in this great drama... live your life before it's
too late!! I believe it encourages and reminds us to have the courage to find 'better' for ourselves and not be ashamed to
do so.
Although I haven't seen it, the sequel to this movie is called "Beloved (1998)"
Favourite Quotes:
Celie (Whoopi Goldberg):
I may be poor, black, and made to be ugly. But dear God, I'm here! I'm here!
Nettie (Celie's Sister): I think it pisses
God off when you walk by the color purple in a field and don't notice
Favourite Songs...
Beth [Kiss, 1976]
The first time I heard this song, I was in my friend Blair Curtis' living room and we were in Grade 8 or 9? I think Grade
9! He was a huge Kiss fan. And although I didn't like much of their other stuff, this song stuck as my all time favourite.
Beth is a little ditty about a man in a band, recording songs with the guys, but when she calls him to come home, his
heart breaks for her. To me, it's a message of love, plain and simple. You can even hear his sadness... for not being there
with her. The message is clear... "I love you, but I also love my music... please understand."
Magic Carpet Ride [Steppenwolf - 1968]
This song just rocks!! No deep meaning, no great message... it's just an awesome tune and it's been one of my favourites since
my teenage years when I first heard it... I just never get sick of it!!
Marriage of Figaro [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - 1786]
I first heard this song while watching the movie, Shawshank Redemption. Of course, you only get a clip of it in that movie,
but that clip was enough to bump it on my favourites list pretty quickly. I feel completely liberated, beautiful and free
when listening to the absolutely angelic voices of those italian ladies singing this song. Morgan Freeman describes the feeling
of the song best (see above in my movie reviews under "Shawshank Redemption"). This song would be the first on my
list to be played at my wedding [it WILL happen, y'know!].
Walking in Memphis [Marc Cohn
- 1991]
For some reason, this song brings me to some far off distant memory of anticipation to see my father, my seemingly endless
wait in an airport in Philadelphia, and a rainy evening. Strange combination? I agree. Well, I know the song came out way
after I went on my very first trip on my own, but this tune brings me back to when I was about 15 years old and I saved all
my money from my first job to go see my dad in Virginia. It was the first time I ever felt like a grown up... waiting in the
Philadelphia airport for my connecting flight... and it was raining. This song brings up VERY powerful images and feelings
for me.
Good Mother [Jann Arden - 1995]
This song is the epitome of my mother. I cry everytime I hear this song... just for the pure ache of missing her. The song
says most of it, but there is so much more that my mother is to me... and I appreciate and love her more than she will ever
really truly know.
Jazzy/Easy Listening...
1. A Kiss To Build A Dream On [Louis Armstrong]
2. A Wink and A Smile [Harry Connick Jr.]
3. Ain't Misbehavin' [Ray Charles]
4. All That Jazz [Catherine Zeta Jones, from the movie "Chicago"]
5. As Time Goes By [Diana Krall]
6. Autumn Leaves [Diana Krall]
7. Ave Maria [Mozart]
8. Bette Davis Eyes [Km Carnes]
9. Blame It On My Youth [Holly Cole Trio]
10. Blue Moon [Billie Holiday]
11. Bye Bye Blackbird [Ray Charles]
12. Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe [Barry White]
13. Cool Change [Little River Band]
14. Don't Know Why [Nora Jones]
15. Dream A Little Dream Of Me [Billie Holiday]
16. Everyday (Will Feel Like a Holiday) [Holly Cole Trio]
17. Everytime We Say Goodbye [Ray Charles]
18. Fever [Madonna or Diana Krall]
19. For Once In My Life [Tony Bennett]
20. Georgia On My Mind [Ray Charles]
21. How Deep Is The Ocean (How High Is The Sky) [Diana Krall]
22. I Can See Clearly Now (The Rain Is Gone) [Holly Cole Trio]
23. I Can't Stop Loving You [Ray Charles]
24. I Left My Heart In San Francisco [Tony Bennett]
25. I Love You (For Sentimental Reasons) [Nat King Cole]
26. I Miss You So [Diana Krall]
27. If I Didn't Care [Thomas Newman, from the movie, "Shawshank Redemption"]
28. If I Had You [Diana Krall]
29. If I Only Had a Brain [Harry Connick Jr.]
30. If I Start To Cry [Holly Cole Trio]
31. If Yesterday Could Only Be Tomorrow [Tony Bennett]
32. I'm a Fool to Want You [Billie Holiday]
33. Je Ne T'Aime Pas [Holly Cole Trio]
34. Just Kiss Me [Harry Connick Jr.]
35. La Vie En Rose [Louis Armstrong]
36. Let's Call The Whole Thing Off [Harry Connick Jr.]
37. Love Is A Beautiful Thing [from movie "Two Weeks Notice"]
38. Near You Always [Jewel]
39. Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen [Louis Armstrong]
40. Now That I Found You [Alison Krauss]
41. On The Street Where You Live [from the movie "My Fair Lady"]
42. Our Love (1978) [Natalie Cole]
43. P.S. I Love You [Diana Krall]
44. Peel Me A Grape [Diana Krall]
45. Promise Me You'll Remember [Harry Connick Jr.]
46. Someone To Watch Over Me [Holly Cole Trio]
47. Sophisticated Lady [Duke Ellington]
48. The Look of Love [Diana Krall]
49. The Nearness of You [Norah Jones]
50. The Tennessee Waltz [Holly Cole Trio]
51. The Way You Look Tonight [Tony Bennett]
52. Under My Skin [Diana Krall]
53. Unforgettable [Natalie Cole]
54. What A Difference A Day Makes [Natalie Cole]
55. What A Wonderful World [Louis Armstrong]
56. What's Goin' On [Marvin Gaye]
57. When I Fall In Love [Nat King Cole]
58. When You Wish Upon A Star [Louis Armstrong]
59. When You Say Nothing At All [Alison Krauss]
60. When You're Smilin' [Louis Armstrong]
61. You Are My Lady [Barry White]
62. You Are So Beautiful [Louis Armstrong]
63. You Didn't Know Me When [Harry Connick Jr.]
64. You Sexy Thing [Barry White]
65. You Stepped Out of a Dream [Nat King Cole]
66. You're Looking At Me [Diana Krall]