Sheesh! I could write volumes on my mother. She's
such a kind, giving and wise woman. This section has been left "unsung" so to speak for so long not because I haven't had
the time to fill it in, but because there is so much to express and say that I haven't figured out yet how to put it into
[I'm also waiting for a good scanned photo... she's absolutely gorgeous, wait 'till you see her!]
My dad... Ronald David Moore, aka RDM (pronounced "ru-dum"). Isn't he handsome??
Well, I remember being in Girl Scouts (Brownies actually)... and yes, they are called girl 'scouts' in the states, not girl
'guides'... anyhow, I remember camping with the Brownies and dad told me this story that he had invented S'Mores (you know,
the graham cracker with the marshmellows and the semi-melted chocolate - YUMMY)... He said they were named after him and that's
why they were called "S'Moores." Well, I argued with all the Brownies that weekend until I was blue
in the face that my dad had invented the S'Mores treat. Isn't that hilarious?!
[I have five hundred gazillion other memories of my dad, but this is the first
one that popped into my head after I typed out his name]
This is my sister, Yvette (all grown up!) with Jimmy and their little baby girl, Emily. What a beautiful family!!
I haven't met Emily yet (or Jimmy for that matter!), but I sure do look forward to when I can.
Emily is soooo cute and she looks just like Yvette did when she was little. Can't wait to meet you, little Emily!
The Taylor Family... This is my sister, Gillian, with her husband, Simon. They often come to Calgary
and I cherish their visits! They have two daughters, Ellie and Sarah.
This is my niece, Sarah. She is the daughter of Gillian and Simon Taylor. Isn't she beautiful??
She is also a pretty amazing oil painter. Just wait until you see one of her paintings (her mom is sending me a
print of one soon!). You'll be amazed, as I was!!!
The Janes Family... This is my sister, Andrea, and her husband, Chris, and their two beautiful children,
Hilary and Aiden. Hilary is one of the sweetest little girls you'll ever meet and Aiden is the first boy in three generations!!
[Way to go, Chris! (since the men biologically choose the sex of the child, of course!)]
I remember living in Key West (I think it was Key West - it was warm and humid, THAT I remember)... and my mother helped
me plant some pumpkins along the side of our fence. I never did see them grow, we left too soon, but I seem to recall
my mom telling me that her friend she left behind told her they had grown (I kept asking about it).
I have this memory of being really little and following my sister around the neighbourhood as she tried to sell Girl Scout
cookies door to door. I remember thinking... "someday I'm going to be a Girl Scout too!" (and I was, much later on though).
I seem to recall a little bridge going over a creek (but that might be a mixed memory... we're going WAY back here)
I have a very young memory of hanging out at the 7-11 (yeah, they had them way back then in the States, they didn't come
to Canada until much later) with my sister, buying candy and playing the pinball machine at the back.
I remember my mother buying me my very first record from a local flea market (garage sale we call them now!)... it was
the Monkeys' first record. I played it over and over! I remember that day being warm and a little cloudy.. I think
it rained later on and I think it was in the same neighbourhood as my pumpkin patch.
I remember living in Norfolk and going to Kindergarten class at Reynolds School - we did so many fun things there - I still
have my tie-dyed T-Shirt (it's sooo tiny!!). We used to play games and play outside. That was when I started reading
Snoopy cartoon books (I was always an advanced reader). I remember sitting under this massive tree, reading my Snoopy
books and checking out the catterpillars that made their home there. I remember thinking they were so small and fuzzy
- they were really cute. Check out the picture below... this was my first pony ride at Reynolds School. I was
absolutely THRILLED (and a bit scared too, those are big animals when you're that small)!!
[put in picture]
When we moved to Argentia, NL, I was in about Grade 1. I recall a couple of things from that year... I remember my
grandmother and grandfather visiting and grandpa couldn't get into our little vehicle. He was too tall!!! I remember
standing on our front lawn, laughing so hard at him trying to get into the car. The other distinct memory I have of
that year is convincing Mrs. Brown to take me as a piano student. I eventually talked her into it (being as persistent
as I can still to this day be!) and I ended up being her youngest student she ever took on. [See pic below... that's
me with the geeky (but cute) pony tails! and that's my sister on the other side of Mrs. Brown]. I ended up taking piano
lessons until the end of Grade 5 when we moved back to Virginia and couldn't take the piano with us (it belonged to the base).
[put in picture]
Oh, and Grade 1 was also the year I got Ms. Nishahara for my teacher. She was FANTASTIC, and believe it or not, when
I was about 25 or 26 years old (on one of my visits home from BC), I went to the closing of the school in Argentia.
Well, Ms. Nishahara was not only still there, but she recognized me (after 15 or 16 years, as I would have been
about 10 years old when I left the school) and remembered my name instantly. Now, THAT's a good teacher and a brilliant
woman. I've always thought highly of her... she was the best teacher I ever had.
That's Yvette and me on our matching bunk beds in our matching dresses that mom had made for us. Yvette is the
one on the top bunk and I'm on the bottom one. See that stuffed cat next to me? I still have it! and it still
winds up and it still plays a lullaby tune. Amazing!
This is me in Grade 5, baby! This is me in Grade 5... haha (you gotta know the Barenaked Ladies song...). Anyway...
on with the show... Yvette and I are just in the back yard of our ranch style house we lived in on Christopher Lake in Virginia
Beach, Virginia USA in about 1981/2 (that's me on the left!). Check out the headbands and the hair! You can tell we're
barely out of the 70s and not quite into the big 80s hairdos just yet. We only stayed in Virginia for one year, but
I remember making two good friends, Kari Tomaseski and Tammy Howe - we were inseparable.
[I learned how to swim that year too - how could I not? Our back yard met the edge of the lake and there was even
a dock! I remember jumping off the dock into the water with my little arm floats on (how embarrassing!! ahaha) -
I was so afraid of the water back then... this is so much fun, thinking about all this stuff again!]