You know the drill.... most recent on top!
August 26, 2005
Things that make you go hmmmmm...
Do bees have lips?
I mean, how strange would it be to not have lips... they are so fundamental in our own enjoyment of life as humans....
they let us smile, eat, kiss the ones we love. Maybe bees just vibrate a little more when they're happy instead of smiling...
but if they don't have lips, how do they kiss each other?!?!? Is there no romance in bee-dome? .... I wonder!
July 24, 2005
So Complicated
When the heart is truly broken, does it ever heal? It's a complicated mess that you wouldn't want to have to experience,
but having not experienced it means that you've never truly loved and lost. If you've never lost, do you ever know how much
you love?
I know, I think too much. But I also feel too much sometimes. I'm ferociously loyal and my soul never knows when to
stop loving, even if that love continually breaks my heart.
June 6, 2005
The Best You Can Be
It's amazing how many miles we have to travel, how many people we have to learn from, how many stars we have to gaze upon
to figure out that God didn't make it so that only the rocket scientists could figure it out... he made it so that the simplest
of us could too. Being the best we can be starts with the most complicated gift given to us at birth... our bodies. You
hear this time and time again, but eventually (and hopefully) you figure it out for yourself... "a healthy body is a
healthy mind". And a healthy mind leads to a healthy spirit. Simply put, joy is found in physical activities... using
our bodies pumps oxygen through it... which leads to euphoric feelings of happy goodness!! (Yipee)
Don't worry...I'm not turning into some gym guru that preaches to everyone they meet about fitness and health. But those
old adages that we hear over and over have some meaning... we should maybe start listening!!
May 25, 2005
Am I Livin' It Right?
My romantic heart believes that things happen for a reason and that we are all put here to learn the most vital lessons that
we need to face in this lifetime. But this belief doesn't stop me from asking myself if I'm living it right?!?! (as the song
goes). Maybe what we want the most, we aren't supposed to have. But then, some say what you want the most, you should never
give up on. So, what's what? Do we have any control or does Fate have the last say?
Hey... anybody got a manual?!?
May 23, 2005
Giving Up or Giving In?
When do we know if we're giving up or giving in?? There are things in life that teach you certain lessons... patience, understanding,
staying power, resilience. If you've proven already to yourself that you have your fair share of these admirable qualities
and you are faced with a task that is difficult or unappealing and you choose to take the easier road... have you given up
or simply given in? I would think giving up would be stopping a task before you've proven some (or any) of these qualities
to yourself. If you already know that you have the internal power needed, at what point can you say... Oh, NOWWWWW, I'm working
'smarter, not harder'. Tough call!
May 12, 2005
Are we in Kansas yet??... or are we still on the Yellow Brick Road?
Often, (like the rest of you as well...admit it!), I "fill in the blanks" when faced with an uncertain situation.
I hear some good... some bad... and for whatever reason the blanks get filled in with the good. Until, of course, I find
myself "wending" down the Yellow Brick Road of life and suddenly I realize I'm not in Kansas anymore. It's not
that the Yellow Brick Road was a waste of time... Oh No, not so indeed! Because down the Yellow Brick Road you get to go
on such adventures that bring you face to face with "Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh MY!" and you meet such friends
that need your support. But, on occasion, when I find myself lost in the yellowness of it all, I just stop and say to myself,
"Well Wend... ya got that one wrong ~~ but... it's OK to be wrong, it's OK to be wrong, it's OK to be..." Y'know,
like Dorothy... and if I say it enough perhaps I'll end up back in Kansas again. After all, there IS no place like home!!
April 1, 2005:
Oh! My God! I woke up with a snake tattoo!!
So, we go through life, wandering around for the most part, thinking we are 'so THERE' with everything and then all of a sudden,
we wake up one day and realize........ is this where I really am?? Yeah, the song says it all and it symbolizes the drastic
changes that come over us in our early to mid-30s. We wake up (we all do eventually) and sometimes what we wake up to isn't
what we thought we'd be doing before we fell into our slumbers. OMYGOD I woke up with a snake tattoo... OMYGOD and I think
that my tongue's pierced too... OMYGOD, OMYGOD... [sometimes only the most drastic changes really get our attention, but then
the changes are so fundamental it becomes too late to go back]
March 9, 2005:
Bringin' Down da House
I was again discussing with one of my dear friends just the other night that traditional lifestyles do not appear to be necessarily
cherished or adhered to in today's society. Although the eutopian in me wonders why this is, it's also fairly evident that
the Generation X is not only expected to live longer (by approximately 20 years), but we are also expected to do more, think
more and BE more in a society that is vastly larger (because of its accessibility) than any other known to previous generations.
Over the course of many years (and miles), we do, think and ARE so much more than we "were", that it then becomes
next to impossible to carry the same lifestyle, people and things with us into the next 'phase'. The proverbial "house"
has to be brought down in order to live up to the expectations. If this is any indication of the supersonic speed of progress
that the next generation has to look forward to, I feel sorry for them.... perhaps we can call them the "Mutant X"
March 7, 2005:
Will you live in boredom... or a kingdom??
Well, the way I see it... a King (or Queen) is to a kingdom as a Bore is to boredom... (i.e., both claim ownership). Y'see,
if you've taken claim to 'boredom', it's probably YOU that's the bore, not the circumstances around you. So, get out there,
stop being a bore and, instead, be a king (or queen) in your own self-made kingdom.
March 5, 2005:
Exploring Differences
Differences between two people... are they necessary or detrimental to the ultimate outcome of the relationship? Some say
they eventually repel you like opposite polarities of magnets, and others say they are what make the relationship grow like
flowers in a garden. If two people have fundamental similarities in their morals and values, I think the differences are what
keeps things interesting over many, many years of shared experiences with one another.
March 4, 2005:
Soft in the Middle
Even though we are surrounded by the City, the concrete, and the harshnesses that are associated with urban living, we all
tend to be a little soft in the middle. Perhaps it's the bitterness of our surroundings that actually cultivates the softness
and vulnerability within. Or perhaps it's the sensitivity in us that ultimately brings us to the City, in our quest to find
balance in our lives. Yes, these are the things I think about...